Turbine Testing Lab organized one day training on “Advancement in turbine and hydropower technology (ATHT) on 21stMarch, 2018 in Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel. ATHT is a one day training program emphasized for a closed group of staffs and students working in the field of research and development of hydropower and hydro-turbines. The objective of this training program is to learn the experiences and knowledge of the experts working in the related field and later on, disseminate the ideas to a larger group. The problems discussed in this program focused on identifying and mitigating the challenges of sediments in the power plants of Indian Sub-Continent.
The program was followed by CRHT VIII on previous day conducted in KU. This training program contained training sessions. The first session was lectured by Mr. Simen Vogt Svendsen, Maintenance Manager of Theun-Hinboun, Laos and the topic of the lecture was “Making turbines and waterways great again”. The second session was lectured by Mr. Ugyen Rinzin from Druk Green Power Corporation Ltd, Bhutan on the topic “Impact of sediment on underwater components”. The final session was lectured by Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug from Norwegian University of Science and Technology on the topic “Model testing of hydro turbines”.
The program was represented by participants from academia (KU, IOE & IIT, Roorkee) and authorities & industries (NEA, NMHDA, PEEDA, NYS & Chainlink Engineering) working in the field of hydropower in Nepal and India. The program was co-ordinated by Dr. Hari Pd. Neopane, HoD, DoME, KU.
Photos from the event

Mr. Tom Solberg, MD, ICH addressing the program

Dr. Hari Pd. Neopane, HoD, DoME, KU co-ordinator of the event addressing the program

Mr. Simen Vogt Svendsen from Theun- Hinboun Power Company, Laos addressing the event

Mr. Ugyen Rinzin from Druk Green Power Corporation, Bhutan presenting his findings

Prof. Ole G. Dahlhaug, NTNU lecturing in the event

Participants listening the lectures in the program

Participants listening the lectures in the program

Dr. Bhola Thapa giving the certificate of appreciation to one of the resource person

Dr. Bhola Thapa giving the certificate of appreciation to the sponsor of the event

Group photo session after the event