Call for papers and presentation for CRHT-IX International Symposium (9th April 2019)

News & Notices

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CRHT-IX Final Program**Detail Schedule to be finalised

Abstract/Paper Submission

  • Download Abstract Template (here)
  • Download Full Paper Template (here)

Please send abstract/ full paper to

Key Dates

  • Abstract submission: 20 December2018 (Extended to 20 January 2019)
  • Notification of acceptance: 28 January 2019
  • Full paper submission: 08 March  2019 (Extended to 18th March 2019)
  • Presentation submission: 05 April 2019 
  • Pre-registration: 31 March 2019 (online)
  • Event: 09 April 2018 (Registration on-site)

Registration Pre- Registration by 31st March 2019. Download forms from the link below. 

  • Presenter’s form (here)
  • Participant’s form (not presenting) (here)

International Steering Committee

Keynote & Guest Speakers *TBD

Registration Fee

Nepalese Students NPR 1500
Nepalese Participants NPR 2500
SAARC Countries Participants NPR 4000
Other Countries USD 100

Symposium Venue

Themes Abstract are now invited on the following relevant topics. Hydropower Technology

  • Hydraulic turbines
  • Pumps & Pump as Turbine (PAT)
  • Small hydropower
  • Operation, repair and maintenance
  • Erosion and cavitation flows
  • Computational & experimental techniques
  • Civil Engineering aspects of hydropower
  • Electrical Engineering aspects of hydropower
  • Energy storage system by gydropower plants

Other Renewable Energy

  • Wind Energy
  • Photovoltaics
  • Smart Grid
  • Hybrid- Technology
  • Waste Energy & Utilization
  • Hydrogen & Fuel Ce

Selected papers will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series!

Organized by

Turbine Testing Lab

Kathmandu University

Dhulikhel, Kavre

P.O. Box. No. 6250

TTL organized a training on “Advancement in Turbine and Hydropower Technology

 Turbine Testing Lab organized one day training on “Advancement in turbine and hydropower technology (ATHT) on 21stMarch, 2018 in Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel. ATHT is a one day training program emphasized for a closed group of staffs and students working in the field of research and development of hydropower and hydro-turbines. The objective of this training program is to learn the experiences and knowledge of the experts working in the related field and later on, disseminate the ideas to a larger group. The problems discussed in this program focused on identifying and mitigating the challenges of sediments in the power plants of Indian Sub-Continent.

   The program was followed by CRHT VIII on previous day conducted in KU. This training program contained training sessions. The first session was lectured by Mr. Simen Vogt Svendsen, Maintenance Manager of Theun-Hinboun, Laos and the topic of the lecture was “Making turbines and waterways great again”. The second session was lectured by Mr. Ugyen Rinzin from Druk Green Power Corporation Ltd, Bhutan on the topic “Impact of sediment on underwater components”. The final session was lectured by Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug from Norwegian University of Science and Technology on the topic “Model testing of hydro turbines”.

   The program was represented by participants from academia (KU, IOE & IIT, Roorkee) and authorities & industries (NEA, NMHDA, PEEDA, NYS & Chainlink Engineering) working in the field of hydropower in Nepal and India. The program was co-ordinated by Dr. Hari Pd. Neopane, HoD, DoME, KU.

Photos from the event

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Mr. Tom Solberg, MD, ICH addressing the program

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Dr. Hari Pd. Neopane, HoD, DoME, KU co-ordinator of the event addressing the program

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Mr. Simen Vogt Svendsen from Theun- Hinboun Power Company, Laos addressing the event

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Mr. Ugyen Rinzin from Druk Green Power Corporation, Bhutan presenting his findings

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Prof. Ole G. Dahlhaug, NTNU lecturing in the event

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Participants listening the lectures in the program

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Participants listening the lectures in the program

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Dr. Bhola Thapa giving the certificate of appreciation to one of the resource person

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Dr. Bhola Thapa giving the certificate of appreciation to the sponsor of the event

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Group photo session after the event

International Symposium on Hydraulic Machines-VIII’ 18 organized at Kathmandu University

 International symposium on “Current Research in Hydraulic Turbines” was held for the eighth time on 20th March, 2018 as CRHT-VIII after the successful completion of the previous seven events in 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Other renewable energy source was included as additional topics for the symposium.

   It was a one-day program which was held at CV Raman Auditorium, Senate Hall, Mini Auditorium and Executive Dining Hall. The event was scheduled under three parallel sessions led by respective chairs. Topic of the papers/presentations was divided into 6 broad thematic areas:

  1. Modeling and Simulation in Hydroturbines (5 presentations)
  2. Simulation & Experimental Techniques in Hydropower (5 presentations)
  3. Sediment erosion & cavitation in hydraulic turbines (5 presentations)
  4. Renewable Energy, Devices, and Energy Measurement & Efficiency (4 presentations)
  5. Pumps, FSI in pipe & Net Metering (3 presentations)
  6. Reversible pump turbines (RPT) & Hill chart for Francis turbine (4 presentations)

   The event started with the welcome speech by Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane, Assoc. Prof. and HOD at DOME, followed by a featured presentation of Member Secretary-TTL, Dr. Biraj Singh ThapaMr. Tom Solberg, MD of ICH, Norway gave the key note speech about the activities of ICH. Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, Vice Chancellor at Kathmandu University delivered the inaugural speech about the importance of research in academic sector through a video message. Dr. Damber Bahadur Nepali, Dean of School of Engineering, and Prof. Bhola Thapa, Registrar of Kathmandu University gave remarks about the event. It was followed by featured presentations of Simen Vogt Svendsen, Maintenance Manager of Theun-Hinboun Power Company, Laos, Ishwar Man Deshar, Plant Manager of Himal Power Ltd., Nepal, Prof. Young Do Choi, Professor of Mokpo University, S. Korea, Ugyen Rinzin, Scientific Officer at Druk Green Power Cooperation, Bhutan, Prof. Bhupendra K. Gandhi, Professor of IIT Roorkee, India and Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, NTNU, Norway respectively.

   In this symposium, the technical session was represented by six Universities in three parallel sessions. The first session was divided into two themes. The first theme was focused on modeling and simulation in hydro-turbines, whereas the second theme was focused on Renewable Energy, Devices, and Energy Measurements and Efficiency. This session was chaired by Dr. Biraj Singh Thapa and Dr. Guo Zhiwei. The second session had a theme of Simulation and Experimental Techniques in Hydropower, as well as Pumps, FSI in pipe and Net Metering. This session was chaired by Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug and Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane. The third session was focused on Sediment erosion and Cavitation in hydraulic turbines, as well as Reversible pump turbines and Hill Chart for Francis turbines. This session was chaired by Prof. B.K. Gandhi and Prof. Young Do Choi.

   The closing session contained a featured presentation from Prof. Arun Kumar, Professor of IIT Roorkee, India. Dr. Hari Pd. Neopane provided the summary of the sessions giving best wishes to all the researchers. Prof. Bhola Thapa finally gave the closing speech with vote of thanks to all the participants, presenters, organizers, volunteers and sponsors.

   The event was coordinated by Mr. Nirmal Acharya, Research Associate at TTL. Ms. Kritika BhandariMr. Nikshan Poudel and Ms. Samita Rimal, students from DoME emceed the program.

Photos from CRHT-VIII’18 Symposium

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Official program flex of the symposium

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Participants standing for the National Anthem inside CV Raman Auditorium

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Mr. Tom Solberg, MD, ICH addressing the symposium

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Prof. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju, VC-KU delivering the inagural video message

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Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Registrar-KU with his remarks about the event

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Dr. Damber Bahadur Nepali, Dean- SoE-KU addressing the event

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Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, NTNU with his keynote speech during the program

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Dr. Hari Pd. Neopane, HoD, DoME-KU addressing the event

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Dr. Biraj Singh Thapa, Faculty Member,TTL-KU with his featured presentation

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Technical session in the Senate Hall

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Technical session in the Exective Dining Hall 

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Presenter in the Mini Auditorium during the technical session

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Session Chairs and MC in one of the parallel session

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 Group photo after the completion of feature presentation session

Dr. Neopane and research fellows from TTL participated in a Workshop at IIT Roorkee, India

Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering together with his research fellows (Mr. Ram Lama, PhD candidate and Mr. Dadi Ram Dahal, M.S. by Research candidate at TTL) represented Kathmandu University in “Workshop on Hydro abrasive erosion in hydro plants” at IIT Roorkee. The event was organized by Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, from 23-24 February, 2018 at Roorkee, India.

Dr. Neopane delivered two presentations on “Steps involved in optimization studies for hydro abrasive erosion “and “Financial and economic analysis of hydro-abrasive erosion”. He has also co-chaired one of the sessions in the workshop.

The details of the program can be found at:

Co-operation between SOE- KU and ChesCo

Kathmandu University-School of Engineering and Chilime Engineering and Services Company Ltd. (ChesCo) signed an MoU on 18th January, 2018. In the agreement signing program, ChesCo was represented by the CEO of this company, Dr. Prashant Mandal and KU-SOE, by the Dean, Prof. Bhupendra Bimal Chhetri. The program was attended by the representatives from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Turbine Testing Lab and Technical Training Center.

The MoU is aimed towards collaboration for services related to electro-mechanical and hydro-mechanical issues of hydro power sector.

The post MoU discussion focused on planning of activities under the scope of the MoU. It is agreed to conduct an interaction program between work groups representing both institutions, identity and execute a pilot project on repair and maintenance of a hydro power plant in Nepal, and develop relevant training packages. Both intuitions agreed to carry a long term vision to develop a consulting unit to provide professional services on operation and maintenance of hydro power sector. The program was co-ordinated by Dr. Biraj Singh Thapa, Assis. Prof., DoME, KU.

MoU signing program at Mini- Auditorium, KU

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Prof. Chhetri and Dr. Mandal signing the MoU documents

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Prof. Chhetri and Dr. Mandal exchanging the MoU document files

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Dr. Mandal visiting TTL floor along with his associate facilitated by Dr. Thapa

TTL participation in Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Program

  Mr. Nirmal Acharya, Research Associate at TTL/Visiting faculty at DoME completed his Staff Mobility Program funded by Erasmus+ Merging Voices project from 20-25th November at University of Algarve, Penha & Gambelas Campus, Faro, Portugal. During his stay at University of Algarve, Mr. Acharya presented about “Current researches and future prospects at Turbine Testing Lab- Kathmandu University, Nepal” and tried to explore research projects collaboration between the two universities. He visited the several labs in the university for institutional linkage for future collboration and facilities & resources exchange. 

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 Mr. Acharya with the faculities and students from University of Algarve after his presentation

Turbine Testing Lab celebrated its Sixth Anniversary

   Turbine Testing Lab [TTL] marked its sixth anniversary on November 23, 2017, by organizing a program at TTL Auditorium. The program was attended by Mr. Kulman Ghising and Mr. Hridaya Dev Shakya, from Nepal Electricity Authority. Similarly, Norwegian guests, Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug from Norwegian University of Science and Technology and his team showed their valuable presence in the program. The program started with the welcome speech of Associate Prof. Hari Prasad Neopane which was followed by the presentation on ongoing and recent activities of TTL by Mr. Sailesh Chitrakar. Then, the 6th Anniversary issue of TTL was released by Prof. Bhola Thapa and Mr. Ghising. The program was followed by the remarks from Prof. Dahlhaug, Mr. Ghising, Prof. Dr. Makaju and Prof. Thapa. The magazine is also available inonline version.Some Glimpses of the TTL- 6th Anniversary program

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