Project: Incubation of Turbine Design Services as a Spin-off Company from TTL and Developing Competencies for Designing and Manufacturing Francis turbines for Low Head Applications

Project Summary

  Project Date        

15 March 2015— 15 November 2015

 Funding Source

NORAD/Renewable NepaI Total


NPR 910.000

  Project members

Sailesh Chitrakar, Binaya Baidar, Ravi Koirala, Mani Prasad Gurung

          Project Partners            

Balaju Yantra Shala Pvt. Ltd. and N0N.’egian University of Science and Technology

The project was commenced on 15 March 2015 with 8 months duration. The funding for the project was done by RenewableNepal programme with the maximum funding of NPR 910,000. The principal applicant for the project is Turbine Testing Lab, TTL-Kathmandu University and industrial partner as Balaju Yantra Shala Pvt. Ltd. and academic/research activities partner as Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.The project is aimed towards development of selfsustainability for all kind of Francis turbine design and standard enhancement of Nepalese micro turbine manufacturers. Adding to the existing competence of high head ftancis design, Low Head Francis Turbine will be designed which brings the entire domain of Francis turbine under the design competence. Additionally, with the manufacturing of the demo case by the local manufacturers’ micro Francis manufacturing capability will be developed.

The commercialization of the services will develop the new company as a self-sustaining body that is able to handle all the operation cost and researchers salary in a regular basis.Turbine Design Services Pvt. Ltd. has been formed under Kathmandu University Business Incubation Centre (KUBIC) and demonstration unit Ôf the turbine has been developed, which shows the competence of Nepalese manufacturers in developing such turbines. Mcfe information on TDS activities can be explored from

Positive socio-economic effects:This project aims at developing competences among the Nepalese manufacturers in turbine manufacturing. Moreover, a business model added to it is an additional feature of this proposal where the research outcomes will be commercialized in the form of Turbine Design Services. The new company is expected to create job opportunities for young .researchers and also enhance the strength of local manufacturers, giving a positive impact on the overall socio-economic status. Low head Francis turbine manufacturing at BYS.