Project Date | : August 2010-August 2013 |
Source | : NORAD/Renewable NepaI |
Total Fund | 476,000 NOK + 117,500 NOK 1st reinforcement + 50,000 NOK 2nd reinforcement |
Project Leader | Dr. Hari Prasad Neopane |
Activity Leader | Mr. Biraj Singh Thapa |
Supervisor | Prof. Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug |
Results And Achievements
- Development of MatLab based program “KHOJ” for high head Francis turbine design
- Optimization in the Francis blade design with CFD analysis for Jhimruk hydropower Plant to handle the worst sediment erosion condition
- Hydraulic and mechanical design of 92kW model Francis turbine for Jhimruk hydropower plant (the reference site)
- Comparative study of the model turbines with CFD and FSI analysis
- CAD drawings and manufacturing drawings of the 92 kW model Francis turbine
- Fabrication of the 92 kW model Francis turbine at Nepal Hydro Electric, Butwal and installation at TTL, Dhulikhel