Conference Preceedings

  • Sailesh Chitrakar, Biraj Singh Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug and H. P. Neopane, “Numerical investigation of the flow phenomena around a low specific speed Francis turbine’s guide vane cascade“, 28 IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, July, 2016, Grenoble, France.
  • Binaya Baidar,Ravi Koirala, Hari Prasad Neopane, Mahabharat Vyas Shrestha, Bhola Thapa “Strategic rehabilitation of earthquake affected micro-hydropower plant”, 28 IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, July, 2016, Grenoble, France.
  • Nirmal Acharya, Oblique Shrestha, Hari Prasad Neopane,  Young- Ho Lee, “Performance Analysis of 5 kW Cross- flow turbine with insertion of Air Layer Effect“, 6th International Symposium on Current Research in Hydraulic Turbines, March 14, 2016, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal.
  • Oblique Shrestha, Nirmal Acharya, Bhola Thapa, Hari Prasad Neopane, Young- Ho Lee, “Design and Development of Rotating Disc Apparatus to Test Sediment Erosion in Cross- flow Turbine Runner Blades“, 6th International Symposium on Current Research in Hydraulic Turbines, March 14, 2016, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal.
  • Atmaram Kayastha, Young- Ho Lee, Hari Prasad Neopane, Bhola Thapa, “Numerical Study of Hydro Cyclone Separator to reduce Sediment Erosion Potential in Micro/Pico Hydroturbines”, 6th International Symposium on Current Research in Hydraulic Turbines, March 14, 2016, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal.
  • Balendra Chhetry, Bhola Thapa, Hari Prasad Neopane, Biraj Singh Thapa, “Preventive Maintenance of Techniques to ease Maintenance Activities of Hydropower Stations”, 6th International Symposium on Current Research in Hydraulic Turbines, March 14, 2016, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal.
  • Ravi Koirala, Mahabharat Vyas Shrestha, Baoshan Zhu, Hari Prasad Neopane, Bhola Thapa, “Development of testing facility facility for Performance Estimation of Hydraulic Turbines”, Asia Clean Energy Summit 2015, October 27-28, 2015, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. 
  • Shiva Raj Paudel, Ravi Koirala, Eun-seob Kim, Hyung-II Kim, Min-Soo Kim, Kang-in Lee, Kyung-Tae Lee, Won-Shik Chu, Ahn Sung-Hoon, “3D Printed Axial flow turbine for Pico Hydro Applications”, Annual Spring Meeting of the Korean Society for New & Renewable Energy 2015, June 11-12, 2015, Busan, South Korea.  
  • Ravi Koirala, Sailesh Chitrakar, Hari Prasad Neopane, Balendra Chettry, “Design of Hydromechanical component for Sustainability of Hydropower Structures: A Case study of Bifurcation for Daraudi Khola Hydropower Plant, Nepal”, International Conference on ASIAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culaaaaaaaature and Environmental Stability, Volume 11, 30 March – 03 April, 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal. 
  • Sailesh Chitrakar, Ravi Koirala, Hari Prasad Neopane, Bhola Thapa, “Future Prospects of Hydropower Development in Nepal through Enhancement in R&D Activities of Turbine Testing Lab”, International Conference on ASIAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture and Environmental Stability, Volume 11, 30 March – 03 April, 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Juben Bhaukajee, Hari Prasad Neopane, Suraj Baral, “Impact of variation in design flow of hydropower projects on seasonal imbalance of electricity and financial viability of hydropower projects”, International Conference on ASIAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture and Environmental Stability, Volume 11, 30 March – 03 April, 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Oblique Shrestha, Hari Prasad Neopane, Bhola Thapa, Mausam Shrestha, “Numerical analysis on effect of sizes of sand particle on Crossflow turbine”, International Conference on ASIAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture and Environmental Stability, Volume 11, 30 March – 03 April, 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Binaya Baidar, Oblique Shrestha, Hari Prasad Neopane, “An LCA approach in analyzing environmental sustainability and policy making of a typical micro – hydro power plant in Nepal”, International Conference on ASIAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture and Environmental Stability, Volume 11, 30 March – 03 April, 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Krishna Prasad Shrestha, Bhola Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, “Effect of velocity component on Efficiency of Optimized Design Francis Runner”, International Conference on ASIAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture and Environmental Stability, Volume 11, 30 March – 03 April, 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Ravi Koirala, Sailesh Chitrakar, Niroj Maharjan, Nikhel Gurung, Bishnu Prasad Aryal, “Design and Development of a Reversible Pump Turbine Test Rig “, Renewable Energy Technology Symposium, Volume 4, 12 September, 2014, Nepal.
  • Bhaskar U. Aryal, Bibek Bhurtel, Kiran Giri, Amit Sharma, Sailesh Chitrakar, “Design and Analysis of a Small Scale Wind Turbine Rotor at Arbitrary Conditions “, Renewable Energy Technology Symposium, Volume 4, 12 September, 2014, Nepal.
  • Sanam Pudaisini, Hari Prasad Neopane, Amod Panthee, Anuj Pathak, Bhoj Bahadur Chaudhary, “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of Pelton runner of Khimti Hydro-power Project of Nepal “, Renewable Energy Technology Symposium, Volume 4, 12 September, 2014, Nepal.
  • Juben Bhaukajee, Hari Prasad Neopane, Suraj Baral, 2014. “Policy, Planning and Implementation Practices in Hydropower Sector of Nepal”. 3rd International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET 2014), May 29-31,2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Supriya Koirala, Bhola Thapa, TorbjΦrn Kristian Neilson, 2014. “Analysis of the Flow Condition in a Cross Flow Turbine”. 3rd International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET 2014), May 29-31,2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Nikhel Gurung, Milan Paudel, Nitish Shrestha, Ashok Bista, Biraj Singh Thapa, Krishna Prasad Shrestha, 2014. “Prospects of Utilization of Reversible Pump Turbines in Nepalese Hydropower Plants”. 3rdInternational Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET 2014), May 29-31,2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Niroj Maharjan, Sailesh Chitrakar, Nikhel Gurung and Ravi Koirala, 2014, “Pumped storage concept and its potential application in Nepalese Hydropower Context – A case study of Chilime Hydropower Plant, Rasuwa, Nepal”, APCMET-2014, 19-20 April 2014, Emerging Energy Technology Perspectives – A Sustainable Approach, ISBN: 978-93-83083-73-2, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.  
  • Atmaram Kayastha, Biraj Singh Thapa, Hari P. Neopane, Bhola Thapa, Lee Young Ho, 2013, CFD and FSI Analysis of 92 kW Model Francis Runners with Alternative Design for Handling, AFORE 2013, 3rd Asia- Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 4-7 November, 2013, Jeju Island, Korea.
  • Juben Bhaukajee, Hari P. Neopane, Suraj Baral, 2013, Development of Hydropower sector in Nepal: Policy, Planning and Institutional Aspects, Nepal Engineers’ Associations’ 13th Annual Convention proceedings, held at Nepal Academy, Kamaladi from 28- 30  
  • Amod Panthee, Bhola Thapa, Hari Prasad Neopane, “Quality Control in Welding Repair of Pelton Runner”.AFORE2013, Korea, 4-7 November 2013  
  • Krishna Prasad Shrestha, Bhola Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Hari Prasad Neopane, Biraj Singh Thapa, “Innovation Design of Francis Turbine for Sediment Laden Water”, Nepal, 10-12 October 2012
  • Krishna Prasad Shrestha, Amod Panthee, Bhola Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Hari P. Neopane, Biraj Singh Thapa, Laxman Paudyal, Design of Model Francis Turbine Runner for Performance Test Against Sand Erosion, 35th IAHR World Congress, September 8 – 13, 2013, Chengdu, China. 
  • Biraj Singh Thapa, Mette Eltvik, Kristine Gjosoeter, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Bhola Thapa,”Optimizing runner blade profile of Francis Turbine to minimize sediment erosion”, 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems ,China,19-23 August 2012. (Full Text)
  • Laxman Poudel, Bhola Thapa, Bim Prashad Shrestha, Biraj Singh Thapa, Krishna Prashad Shrestha, Nabin Kumar Shrestha,”Computational and experimental study of effects of sediment shape on erosion of hydraulic turbines”, 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems ,China,19-23 August 2012.  
  • Bhola Thapa, Biraj Singh Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Krishna Prashad Shrestha, “Accelerated testing for resistance to sand erosion in hydraulic turbines”, Fourth International Conferece on water resources and Renewable Energy Development in Asia, Thailand, 26-27 March 2012.  
  • Biraj Singh Thapa, Mette Eltvik, Kristine Gjosoeter, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, “Design optimization of Francis runner for sediment handling”, Fourth international conference on Water Resources and Renewable Energy Development in Asia,Thailand, 26-27 March 2012.  (Full Text) 
  • Biraj Singh Thapa, Kristine Gjosoeter, Mette Eltvik, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Bhola Thapa,”Effects of turbine design parameters on sediment erosion of Francis runner”, in Proc. of 2nd International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology”, Bangladesh, 5-7 January 2012.
  • Hari Prasad Neopane, Surendra Sujakhu, Sanjay Shrestha, Khsitij Subedi, and Anil Basnet,”Study of Sediment erosion in Hydraulic Turbine Using Rotating Disc Apparatus (RDA)”, Second International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET 2012) Conference proceedings,Bangladesh,5-7 January 2012.  
  • Rajkarnikar B., Pyakurel P., and Neopane Hari P.,”Present Status and Technical Challenges of Micro Hydropower Plants in Nepal”, Second International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET 2012) Conference proceedings,Bangladesh,5-7 January 2012.  
  • Biraj Singh Thapa,”Hydraulic design of Francis Turbine to minimize sediment erosion”, Masters’s Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal, January 2012.  
  • Biraj singh Thapa, Amod Panthee, Hari Prasad Neopane, “Some Applications of Computational Tools in R&D of Hydraulic Turbines”, Renewable Energy Technology Symposium, Nepal, 22 December 2011.  
  • Supriya Koirala, Sudip Adhikari, Biraj Singh Thapa, Bhola Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug,”Collaboration for Establishing Francis Turbine Manufacturing and Testing Facility in Nepal”, Renewable Energy Technology Symposium, Nepal, 22 December 2011.(Poster Presentation)  
  • Biraj Singh Thapa, Krishna Prasad Shrestha, Bhola Thapa, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug,”Experiences of R&D of Hydraulic Turbines at Kathmandu University”,1st Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, Busan, Korea,16-19 November 2011. (Best Paper Award)
  • Biraj Singh Thapa, Bhola Thapa, Bim Prashad Shrestha,”Practice of Quality Control and Measurement standards at Turbine Testing Lab in Kathmandu University”, Second Quality conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, November 2011.  (Full Text)
  • Mette Eltvik, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Hari Prasad Neopane,”Prediction of Sediment Erosion in Francis Turbines”, 4-th International Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Conference proceedings, Belgrade, Serbia, 26-28 October 2011.
  • Hari Prasad Neopane, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug,Michel Cervantes,”Effect of Operating Conditions of Francis Turbines for Predicting Sediment Erosion”, Hydro 2011- Practical Solutions   for a Sustainable Future, Conference proceedings,Prague- Czech Rep, 17-19 October 2011 .  
  • Hari Prasad Neopane,”Sediment Erosion in Hydraulic turbines”, RETRUD-2011, Third International Conference on Addressing Climate change for Sustainable development through Up-Scaling Renewable Energy Technologies, Conference proceedings,Kathmandu, Nepal, 12-14 October 2011.  
  • Hari Prasad Neopane,”Sediment Erosion in Hydro Turbines”, Book, ISBAN 978-3-639-34160-7, Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller GmbH & Co. KG. Dudweiler Landstr. 99, 66123 Saarbrucken, Germany, 2011.  
  • Bim Prashad Shrestha,Laxman Poudel, Bhola Thapa, Nabin Kumar Shrestha,”Sediment Shape Characterization Using Digital Image Processing”,The 12th Annual Conference of Thai Society of Agricultural Engineering, “International Conference in Agricultural Engineering” (Novelty, Clean and Sustainable), Chon-Chan Pattaya Resort, Chonburi, Thailand; 31 March-1 April 2011.  
  • Biraj Singh Thapa, Bhola Thapa,Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug,”Center of Excellence at Kathmandu University for R&D and test Certification of Hydraulic Turbine”,8th International Conference on Hydraulic Efficiency Measurement, IIT Roorkee, India,October 2010.  
  • Laxman Poudel, Bhola Thapa, Bhim Prasad Shrestha and Nabin Kumar Shrestha, “Application of Digital Image Processing for Shape Characterization of Sand Particles”,International Conference on Multimedia Information Technology and Applications (MITA2010), 23-25 August 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal.  
  • Hari Prasad Neopane,”Sediment Erosion in Hydro Turbines”, ISBN 978-82-471-2173-6 (printed version) and ISBN 978-82-471-2172-3 (electronic version) Doctoral thesis at Norwegian university of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, 18th June 2010.  
  • Laxman Poudel, Bhola Thapa, Bhim Prasad Shrestha and Nabin Kumar Shrestha, “Sediment shape Characterization and its Influence on Hydraulic Turbine Material”, Current Research in Hydraulic Turbines, International seminar, by Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU in  association with Nepal Norway alumni Association (NNAA), 23 March 2010, Dhulikhel, Nepal.
  • Hari Prasad Neopane, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug,Mette Eltvik,”Numerical prediction of particle shape factor effect on sediment erosion in Francis turbine blades”, Hydropower’10, 6th International conference on hydropower, Conference proceedings,Trømso, Norway,1-3 February 2010.  
  • Bhola Thapa, Ole G Dahlhaug, Raju Shrestha, “Turbine Laboratory at Kathmandu University for development of alternative energy in Nepal”, Hydro power’10,6th, International Conference in Hydro Power,Tromso, Norway,1-3 February 2010.
  • Laxman Poudel, Bhola Thapa, Bhim Prasad Shrestha, Raju Shrestha, Binay K.C and Nabin Kumar Shrestha, “Erosive effect on hydro-mechanical components: A case study Roshi Khola in Nepal”, Hydropower’10, 6th International Conference on Hydropower, Hydropower supporting other renewables, Tromsø, Norway, 1–3 February 2010
  • Binaya K.C, Bhola Thapa,”Pressure distribution at inner surface of selected Pelton bucket for micro hydro”, Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.II, pp 42-45,September 2009.
  • Bhola Thapa, Ole G Dahlhaug,”Turbine Testing Laboratory and its role in Hydro Power Development”, Hydro Nepal, Issue no.5, July, 2009.  
  • Hari Prasad Neopane, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Bhola Thapa, 2009,”An investigation of the particle shape and size in hydraulic turbines”, Waterpower XVI  09, Conference proceedings,Spokane, USA, 27-30 July 2009.
  • Laxman Poudel, Bhim Prasad Shrestha and Nabin Kumar Shrestha, “Fluvial Particle Monitoring System-A Case Study of Bagmati River”, Environment Energy and Water in Nepal: Recent Researches and Direction for Future, 31 March – 01 April 2009, Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal.   
  • Bim Prasad Shrestha, Nabin Kumar Shrestha and Laxman Poudel,  “Classification of biological and non-biological fluvial particles using image processing and artificial neural network”,  Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7343, pp. 73430K-73430K-9 2009  
  • Hari Prasad Neopane, Ole Gunnar Dahlhaug, Bhola Thapa,”Alternative design of a Francis turbine for sand laden water”, Hydro Sri-Lanka 07, International conference on small hydropower, Conference proceedings,Kandy, Sri-Lanka,22-24 October 2007.  
  • Bhola Thapa, Raju Shrestha, Projjowal Dhakal, Biraj Singh Thapa,”Problems of Nepalese Hydro-power projects due to suspended sediments, Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management” , Vol 8(3) , pp 251-258, 2005.
  • Bhola Thapa, Ole G Dahlhaug, Raju Shrestha,”Relation between surface roughness and erosion of hydraulic turbine components”, Proc. of India 2005, Int. conf. of International Hydro-power Association, New Delhi, India, 19-21 February 2005.
  • Bhola Thapa, Ole G Dahlhaug, Raju Shrestha,Krishna P Kaphle,”Sediments of Nepalese Rivers with respect to sand erosion of hydraulic turbine”, ninth international Symposium on River Sedimentation,Yichang, China,18-21 October 2004.  
  • Bhola Thapa, Raju Shrestha, Projjowal Dhakal, Biraj Singh Thapa,”Sediment in Nepalese Hydropower Projects”, Proc. of International conference on the great Himalayas: Climate, Health, Ecology, Management and Conservation,Kathmandu,Nepal,12-15 January 2003.   
  • Hari Prasad Neopane,”Design of Francis Turbine with CFD analysis”, Master of Engineering Thesis, at Waterpower Laboratory, NTNU, Norway, 2002.