Agreement between Flow Informatics Lab, Korea Maritime & Ocean University, Republic of Korea and Turbine Testing Lab, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal

Turbine Testing Lab (TTL), KU signed an agreement with Flow Informatics Lab, Korea Maritime & Ocean University(KMOU) as partners for the project “CFD performance prediction & structure analysis of 50 MW Francis turbine project system” on 22nd August 2017 at Kathmandu University. The funding of the project is from Shinhan Precision Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea.

The contract period will be 12 months from the date of signing the contract and the total cost of the project approved by both the partners is 12,000,000 Won (approx. 10,500 USD) for Turbine Testing Lab.

Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Registrar- KU and Prof. Dr. Young- Ho Lee, Division of Mechanical Engineering- KMOU signed the document during the program for their respective institutions. Prof. Dr. Bhupendra Bimal Chettri, Dean, SoE-KU and Dr. Hari Pd. Neopane, Member Secretary-TTL & HoD-DoME along with other members from TTL and faculties from DoME were also present during the program.

 Some glimpses of the program

IMG 0579
IMG 0582